MAREFSOL has the expertise and the means to deliver complete assembled Compressor or Chiller units to the requirements of the customer.
We have delivered many Brine Chiller units and RSW chiller units specially designed for Marine Applications as compact as possible but still accessible for service and maintenance. These units can be delivered including the electrical switchboard with its controls, as well as the insulation system.

Long term experience and knowhow of Natural refrigerants
Complete delivery and assembly of the package, incl.complete 3D design engineering by MAREFSOL BV
Delivery incl, P&ID, itemlists and Manuals
Low oil carry over due to the application of high efficiency oil separators
Tailor made solutions to the requirements of the Customers
Delivery including CE-PED declaration of conformity or certification by ships classification society
The picture besides shows a R134A compressor unit with a starter panel, completely wired and including seawater condensers. The unit is for an offshore application with very high standards. The base frame is made completely stainless steel. The seawater cooled condenser have titanium tubes and complete titanium covers.